Thursday, September 08, 2005

A Tale of Two Cities

T'was a dark and somber night in the city. Some people were doing the metropolitan glide with their usual zest, while most were nursing their tired brains by the comforting light of the cathode ray emanating from the boob-tube.

Neither group was aware of the fact that among them, one man both hateful and thrice damned, was plotting his evil schemes while his lesser half, his insignificant other, was doing the laundry or some such nugatory and paltry act , oblivious to the epic machinations going on in the other room.

ThriceDamned: "Hahahaha. Finally I have devised a way to TAKE OVER THE WORLD! This is foolproof. They won't know what hit them!
Mrs. Damned: "Could you come out here for a second please?
ThriceDamned: "What? No. I'm busy. Leave me alone cretin.
ThriceDamned: "ok"

(trots out with a sullen and petulant expression)

ThriceDamned: "What is so thrice damned important vermin, that you interrupt my plans to take over the world"
Mrs. Damned: "You can take over the world later honey. Right now, I need you to run to the store for me.
ThriceDamned: "Run to the store? What do you take me for you petty excuse for a female. A common errand boy? I run no errands, excepting those that benefit my plans.
Mrs. Damned: "If you do, I'll cook something good for you tomorrow night. Perhaps that mexican dish you like so much.
ThriceDamned: "Oh, oh, the one with the hot salsa?"
Mrs. Damned: "Yes, the very one"
ThriceDamned: "Why didn't you say so, you synonym for poultry. What do you need?
Mrs. Damned: "Here is a list"

(hands ThriceDamned a list)

Mrs. Damned: "And here is some money"

(hands ThriceDamned some money)

Mrs. Damned: "And hurry up dear. It's getting late"

As ThriceDamned walks out to the car and starts his lonely drive to the store, he can't help but wonder where things all went wrong. Exactly at what point he became domesticated and subjugated to the will of a tiny woman. But then he sighes and thinks about that mexican dish. It was gonna be a long wait until tomorrow night.


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3:08 am  
Blogger Scott said...

cute story :)

3:54 am  

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